Child-friendly neighbourhoods

Inspiration & Ideas: Local Measures

A Brief Guide on Local Measures
This page provides a list of potential local measures, interventions and ideas, specifically proposed for Bangladesh. The list collectively provides a type of ‘best practice’ guide of common or innovative schemes that could help enable the transformation to child-friendly neighbourhoods. The ideas cover a wider spectrum, although typically involve initiatives that (for example):
- create more vibrant and liveable city spaces for children (and adults) to play and socialise;
- encourage sustainable travel and reduce motor vehicle use;
- involve children (and other stakeholders) authentically in the planning, design and/or decision-making process; and/or
- educational initiatives
Each idea listed can comprise up to seven descriptive sub-sections and they can be accessed either by clicking on the button “Tell me more” or via the hyperlink on the intervention name or photo.
Each measure is also given a rating according to four ‘scale of implementation’ criteria that will help cities in their implementation planning. These ratings cover: (i) implementation effort – (arm muscle); (ii) costs – £ (money); (iii) level of applicability –
(globe) and (iv) empowerment –
(children crossing). The criteria are rated on an indicative scale from 1 to 3, where 3 is high and 1 is low, with each rating denoted by representative symbols.
The aim of the intervention is to create awareness about road safety by learning traffic rules. This approach is more focused on integrating road safety education for children and drivers. As children at an early age can learn quickly, this will have a big influence on creating good habits.
The Road Safety Community Park, Singapore, is a miniature community complete with roads, traffic control devices such as traffic signs and pavement markings, public transportation stops and buildings representing public amenities like restaurants, banks, supermarkets and shops. The park is designed to meet the needs of both the theoretical as well as practical aspects of training on issues of road safety.
The proposal is that a mat should be used by the children for improving road safety awareness and to create a child-friendly environment. The goal is to create awareness about road safety issues and to improve the current road environment by making it more child-friendly. This mat will be accompanied by other elements, such as toy car/bike, dummy traffic signals and signs. It will be a tool for enjoyment by learning through play.
The “Drop and Go” Zone will be a zone where vehicles will stop to drop or collect schoolchildren. The zone will be just beside the street alongside footpath. The zone will be designed by using the participation of the students of the school (basically children in junior classes). This will be a place of amusement, as there will be some recreational features as well.
In this initiative, every student of the school will be tasked with planting vegetation along the road divider, wherever there is enough space, and they will be responsible for watering and monitoring the growth of the plant. The initiative will be initiated in a festive manner on a holiday with the help of guardians and teachers. A six-monthly token of appreciation will be given to the most enthusiastic planters.

A segment of the school boundary wall will be selected and students/children of different classes will clean it along the main roadway and will then paint pictures portraying road safety issues. Alongside children, their guardians and schoolteachers will also be involved in the planning and implementation of the scheme.
The street along the school will be closed down for a few hours and will be used for playing by the children and for hosting recreational facilities. It will be a community gathering of different ages, especially by schoolchildren, and will thus be a “merry-making” event.
This is a proposal to promote cycling in the school campus. A fixed amount of cycles will be made available to move around anywhere within the campus. A person taking a cycle will have to put their student ID card (or any different ID) for authentication purposes. The programme will be launched through a festival calling “Hike for Bike”. A long 5 km radius of hiking (in a rally) by using bicycles will be run during the launching event, mainly by the children in the campus.
The street-children and the school-going children will shift their roles for a single day. The school-kids will gain an understanding of the street children’s conditions and then there will be entertainment by playing on the streets. Whereas, street-children will get the opportunity to go to school for once and see how classes are run.