Child-friendly neighbourhoods
About US
Metamorphosis Global Project
University of Southampton (UoS)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) is the oldest institution for the study of Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning in Bangladesh. It currently has around 10,000 students and 600 staff and is ranked 135 in QS Assessment of Asian Universities (2018).
BUET’s Civil Engineering Department has four major sub divisions. These are – Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering. This project (Metamorphosis Global) is mainly related to Transportation Engineering division. The transportation engineering division comprises about nine faculty members and is the strongest transportation engineering expert group in the country. The research expertise revolves around five notable pillars of transportation research: 1) Transportation planning and travel demand modelling, 2) Transit demand and supply, 3) Pavement Engineering, 4) Traffic engineering; and 5) Safety and sustainability. The faculty members are very active in researching various transportation topics, and boasts comprehensive physical laboratory for pavements and materials research, as well as the latest computing technology and software applications for transportation design. Recent research activities include modernization of signaling and safety features of railway, modeling cyclone evacuation decision, modeling trip-chaining and mode choice relationships, modeling of urban commercial freight vehicle movement, estimating OD matrices for urban commercial freight vehicles, development of overtaking decision model for heterogeneous traffic operation, video image based heterogeneous traffic detection, vehicle trajectory reconstruction, socio technical approach to road safety, use of waste plastic modified bitumen in flexible pavement construction, wet weather road maintenance, evaluation and maintenance approaches for highway. Also this division actively working with the government through various projects to increase road safety and reduce traffic related problems.
UoS Contact Details
Project Coordinator: Professor John Preston
Building 176, Boldrewood, Burgess Road, Southampton, SO16 7QF
Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 4660
BUET Contact Details
Dr. Md. Shamsul Hoque
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh